thoughts at 10:31pm on a tuesday

11:03 PM

I know you won't read this
because you think i've already written our break up poem

and i have
but I'm not done yet

this isn't really a poem, more-so just me getting my thoughts written down, in hopes that maybe it'll help me feel better

dear you,
i miss you

not just at night when I'm lonely
but all the time

morning, midday, evening, hell i even miss you while I'm sleeping

i know you're not spontaneous
and you always do whats right

but we should've jumped in the ocean that night

and i want you to call me
at 2 am when you're missing me

not because its right
because we know its not
but because you don't care whats right

screw being right all the time
im sick of being perfect
i want flaws and mistakes
and for you to call me and tell me you miss me
i want to be a fool with you
instead of logical without you

i won't beg you to stay with me
but i am forgetting your voice

i want to call you when something goes bad
but i mostly want to call you to tell you when something goes good

i want you
i miss you
so much

I've been asked on 2 dates this week
and every time i go out
i think "this isn't him"

they don't make me laugh like you do

their hands don't fit the way ours do

i don't just miss you because I'm lonely
i miss the way you laugh at everything
and the way your thumb rubs mine when we're holding hands

i miss the way you'd mock me when i said something dumb
or when you'd text me what cards you had so that we could win

i miss stealing peoples car just so we could kiss in the graveyard

but mostly
i just miss my best friend

so if you ever read this
just know
I'm sitting here
thinking about you

and if you are reading this
that probably means you're thinking of me too

dont do whats right
be a fool
be my fool

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