real talk: real talk

7:32 PM

1 in every 8 teenagers is clinically diagnosed with severe depression
and if this statistic is correct that means 12 of your peers sitting next to you could be up to their knees in self harm,
their shoulders in self pity
and their heads in self hate

my friend told me the other day that she was depressed because her boyfriend broke up with her

the next day she told me 4 guys texted her and her ex messaged her and she seems to be doing just fine

i told her that's not depression

that's just a bad day

depression goes to sleep every night at 7:30 with dreams of death
and wakes up to another day of trying to get out of the labyrinth of suffering

lets talk about how children are coming home crying

and teenagers wish they were dying

saying "I'm used to it" should not be something they're used to

sticks and stones may break bones
but your words,
they're definitely hurting her

lets talk about how our hearts are turning purple, and not because we're in the army
but because we've decided to fight for our happiness

saying "I'm depressed" is the new cool thing
and for some reason i don't find it that cool

its just a bad day
its just a bad day
its just a bad day

my friend works for the suicide hotline,
she told me that if she goes a week without any of her callers committing suicide she gets a gift card,
she's worked there for 4 years and she's only got one gift card


one gift card because life's too hard
one gift card because of the kid who says you can't do it and the voice in your head that made you commit to it

so this is for the misfits who don't fit and never will
this is for the excluded and not included
this is for the talked about and not talked to
this is for you

this is for the tough day,
tough week,
tough month
but mostly for the tough life.
For the disease that makes people sad,
and for the people who actually have it.

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  1. this is amazing. and true. thank you

  2. "lets talk about how our hearts are turning purple, and not because we're in the army
    but because we've decided to fight for our happiness"

    i'm in love with you holy shit bye

  3. I had chills reading this because it was on point. You nailed it.

  4. *mic drop
    because this is too true and too good

  5. I love you so much! This is easily one of your best yet! Honored to know you and call you my friend.

  6. I told her that's not depression

    that's just a bad day

    Could not have hit the nail more head on. Sad does not equal depressed, you are so good


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