the girl

3:12 PM

Mabel Q.
the girl who usually writes about sadness, and broken hearts, and that one stupid boy

the girl who hates the color orange but loves sunsets 
and loves the color white but hates snow 

the girl who hates goodbyes but loves hellos

the girl who loves surfing but is terrified of sharks

the girl whose too afraid to talk to any of the popular people in class but just wants to fit in

the girl who wants everything to be perfect but is far from it herself

the girl who loves laughing 

the girl who loves talking but hates the sound of her own voice 

the girl whose too loud in class 
and too quiet in church

the girl who loves road trips but can't sit still for more than 5 minutes

the girl whose best friends are the ones related by blood

the girl who is scared to go back to Paris, or London or wherever the heck she came from because she's still not sure

the girl who puts "I don't know" on college applications because she still doesn't know who she is or what she wants to be 

this ones for you mabel,
the one whose been there when no one else has
the one who won't share my secrets unless i press "publish"

thank you

Lauren Wright

the girl behind Mabel Q.

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  1. 'the one who won't share my secrets unless i press "publish"'
    So good. You're amazing!!!! Nice to officially meet you :)

  2. you have always had such a talent for making people intrigued. you're amazing lauren. good job with your blog. never stop writing.

  3. Can I just copy this for mine? I love it, and it's just like me. I loved your blog lauren, it's amazjng!!

  4. Cuuuuute lo. Love this reveal. And I've loved your blog. And the way it looks. And especially the writing.


  5. And you are the best. Can't wait to read more for cw2:)

  6. I loved this reveal! It was original and personal! Great blog, I've loved reading it this year

  7. The secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or to say a new thing in an old way...and you do both beautifully - you is awesome.

  8. "the girl whose best friends are the ones related by blood"

    i loved this. i love your blog, and all of your writting

  9. You are great. I love you on the slam team, and on the blogs and just everywhere. Thanks for your words and for being you.

  10. Like I told you at that soccer game, this blog has always been one of my favs. And I mean it.

    You've definitely got a gift.

  11. Lauren you're seriously the cutest. And your blog is amazing

  12. "the girl who hates goodbyes but loves hellos" very true

    thank you.

  13. the last part is the best.
    you are amazing and so is your blog.

  14. "the girl who wants everything to be perfect but is far from it herself "

    lauren, your my girl. You are a great writer. I can't wait to hear more from you.

  15. lauren, you're incredible. your blog will forever stand as one of the bests, in my personal top 5, and most definitely #1 in my heart

  16. Lauren you are amazing! Love you and your blog!


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