a story of a boy and a girl

6:43 PM

she talked about him like he put the stars in the sky

but the milky way didn't show up last night and the stars, they weren't too bright

the moon was hidden behind dark clouds and her eyes were filled with rain clouds

and the rain fell, and she fell

but he never seemed to

and the bruises on her knees aren't going away

but he left six months ago

even when she begged him to stay

she talked about him like he was her world

but the world was supposed to end in 2012 so why does it matter if it ends three years later?

she thought about him non-stop, 24/7, every minute, every day, math class, english class, church, soccer, hell, she even dreamt of him

she told me "i swear i can see flowers blooming from his chest and galaxies in his eyes, he's my everything, my world"

but he couldn't see a single star in her eyes

and his flowers, they died last winter

and when the world ended

so did she

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  1. "the moon was hidden behind dark clouds and her eyes were filled with rain clouds"

  2. i don't even have anything to say to you cuz this is just so pretty and every single line and ugh. speechless.

  3. 'and the rain fell, and she fell

    but he never seemed to'

    that line....just wow

  4. "but the world was supposed to end in 2012 so why does it matter if it ends three years later?"

    mm so good

  5. 'and his flowers, they died last winter'

    i love this in lots of ways


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