you and them and hats

9:42 PM

all of the other poems are about "you" and how you always wore hats and now all they have left is just a faint memory of you wearing that hat the first time you kissed

                  but you never wore hats
                      and i always loved that

but now i'm wearing a camouflage hat, trying to hide myself from the haunting memories that keep flooding my mind

           my hats getting worn out 

               and so am i 

   so I'm going to put my hat away and hope that maybe, just maybe

    one day

     you'll be mine again

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  1. Great writing and I love the fresh take on the subject

  2. my hats getting worn out

    and so am i

    Love that line. Love this whole thing

  3. One day

    You'll be mine again

    Love that

  4. i love the way you write! Great post!

  5. gosh I can't even. just, unreal.


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