:( :/

8:38 AM

I never thought that you’d be the cause for my anxiety 
And it looks like I’ve started dieting
If you call leave a message at the beep
My love wasn’t cheap 
And you took it all

You don’t care
And it hurts 
And i still have 2 of your shirts
So I’ll burn them like the bridge 
You burned between us

We were best friends
We were lovers 
We’d stay in bed all day under covers
But i guess you’re an actor too
So this is just something I’ll have to go through

Is there someone else?
Is she prettier than me?
Does she make you happier then we ever could be?

You knew how i felt about love
About dating
So why were you faking 

Why did you tell me you loved me
To the stars you always will
And then leave me like I’m nothing 
To be alone up on that hill 

I guess i just don’t get it
How this couldn’t be bothering you
I don’t want you to be sad 
Didn’t you feel it too?

I loved you with everything 
I had in my heart 
But now i guess it’s time
For us to be apart

I deserve a real love
That is honest and true 

I guess i just really 

wanted it to be you

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