math is nothing like love

9:07 PM

a. love
b. love
c. love
d. love

maybe love isn't the answer

maybe a²+b² doesn't = c² 

and maybe we waste too much time finding someone who loves us and don't spend enough time  loving ourselves

i've failed every test and every exam i've ever taken because 


maybe love isn't the answer

for all these years i've tried, i have always come out more hurt

more broken

more of a failure than i was before 

i fell for you so fast y=mx+b couldn't measure the slope 

distance over time couldn't find the speed

e=mc² misled my heart to a place i thought you'd be

and i can't seem to find you

or myself

so maybe i'll study a little harder 

and think a little more before circling the wrong answer

because loving you isn't right

loving yourself is

and you have to learn that on your own

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  1. I wish I could scream those last three lines to everyone in the whole world.

    "because loving you isn't right

    loving yourself is and you have to learn that on your own"

    !!!!! i just love this a lot i'm sorry

  2. Learning to love yourself is hard but soooo worth it

  3. you + writing = brilliance


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