more than okay

7:02 PM

these frown lines on my face are almost as permanent as the marker you used to write on my heart

and the rain from my eyes is staining my cheeks like the blood from when it broke

and the Internet says I'm dying 


"it's okay. it takes time. you'll be as good as new in a week"

but instead of living like your dying, heres 

how to be more than okay: 

1.  go on a drive. put the windows down and blast jack, john, justin or whatever genre you want to. stop at red, green, yellow, blue or whatever lights you decide to and let the crisp air consume all the feeling in your body. 

2. delete his number. don't add it again, i know you have it memorized. 

3. sleep more. go to bed at 8:30 and drift off by 9:00. take naps after school, on sundays, during class, before dinner. just take more naps, trust me. you'll appreciate it.

4. stop looking at his picture on instagram with that girl. she's not you, and one day he'll realize that. but for now, block her. 
and him. 
and his friends. 
go on a date with a boy completely out of your league and talk about the things you love.
no not him
talk about things like waking up early to watch the sunrise or playing soccer with your brother
or deep stuff like what happens to us when we die?
or where did god come from?

5. realize you are okay. maybe your life sucks and all your friends hate you but at least you have two legs, two eyes, two arms, one heart (though it may be broken into a million pieces), one nose and one year left until 17 is gone and its not "young love" anymore.

you're okay.
I'm okay.

we're okay.

everything is going to be okay.

more than okay, actually. 

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  1. The opening lines!!!!!! Ugh it's so goooooood!

    but at least you have two legs, two eyes, two arms, one heart"
    YESSS!! This line^^^^^^^^ WHY ARE YOU SO GOOOD AT WRITING!!!!

  2. This made me warmer inside.

    Number 5 for real

  3. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. Honestly i can't get over how you transitioned into the instructions and the instructions in general and you are just so good.

  4. "one year left until 17 is gone and its not "young love" anymore."

    obsessed with that line and this post.

  5. you're one of the greats.
    this line
    "and one year left until 17 is gone and its not "young love" anymore.
    wowww such a fan.

  6. and the rain from my eyes is staining my cheeks like the blood from when it broke
    you're okay.
    I'm okay.

    we're okay.


  7. 'and the Internet says I'm dying'
    love it! #same #stolen

  8. the Internet says I'm dying #stolen

  9. Freaking heck. You're amazing. Seriously can't get enoughhhhhhh.

  10. WOW. you are so unbelievably talented. "The frown lines on my face are almost as permanent as the marker you used to write on my heart" WHAT!? please can we all just reveal ourselves already I want to know you.

  11. holy. this spoke like nothing else, you're so talented.
    #stolen to the whole post

  12. Just read your whole blog and I relate to all of your posts so hard but for some reason this one is my favorite


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